Nahoo |
Noah Hearle's main site. This site contains
everything I can think to put on to a site. There are games, movie reviews, downloads,
academic studies from GCSEs and current A-Level coursework, plus my personal interests. |
Axeman |
My games site which I designed entirely using
Splash. |
Nahoo |
My cool games site, specialising
in real-time
strategy games. There are reviews, previews, news, screenshots, downloads, strategies,
strategy links, quizzes, java games and much more. I have used an original layout and
design for this site. Much of the material available here would be of great interest to
all players! |
Nahoo |
The latest in web
site design, I bring you: QuikSite. This service offers an
amazing web site for people who want something quick and also
want excellent results. I started this site after realising
the potential of graphic layering to ease the process of
producing customised
web sites. |
Nahoo |
This is the follow-on from designing AoE
Network (below). I am especially proud of this design because I managed to fit a large
amount of interactive content in a small area. The design reflects the
"tropical" theme, with vibrant oranges, reds, blues and turquoises. |
Nahoo |
I met Ogre about a year ago whilst visiting
some Age of Empires related sites. Recently we have been communicating via ICQ. He, and
some friends, have recently set up a new games site called Game Tropics. AoE Network is
one of a few hosted sites within the domain, where I have redesigned the page based on one
Age of Kings screenshot of a coastal scene. When I have some more time to spare, I will
see what I can do with the main site's design. |
Nahoo |
This was designed to show my fathers work on
the internet. There is loads of information on landscaping, fencing and woodworking
techniques. Chestnut fencing products can be requested and queries can be made on any
aspect of his work. |
Nahoo |
black and white leaflets to a working site - The Old School
Public House web site has been fun. I have utilised
two types of image changing scripts simultaneously
to give a unique navigation experience. I have also included a
Macromedia Flash poster animation to attract customers to
their Christmas dinner. This site has a rigid theme of checkered
areas and soft brown cloth, I think it fits the style of pub
well. |
Nahoo |
Unfortunately I have been unsuccessful in
uploading pages on to the server. I have complained to FreeServe, but they are totally
useless in every aspect. In the end, I gave up trying and went with a free web space
server: Tripod UK. I made this site to advertise the music shop where I work, in Penzance.
There are facilities available for ordering online, but as I made the site with no
material whatsoever, the pages are quite general. |
Nahoo |
single, simple page detailing the impressive high quality
water colour brushes made from Kazan squirrel hair. This page
was almost directly transferred
from a poster I had previously made on Word. |
English in
Nahoo |
Another freeserve user, which had to be
converted (to gatewaynet). This site was a touch up from a MS Publisher site. It is
advertising tuition in English for people who want to learn the language from other
countries. I hope you like the colourful design, something that many sites lack; used
correctly, colour cheers visitors up. |
Nahoo |
cool jazzy site made with my friend: Rosie. The content is of
a good quality and the whole site looks very promising indeed.
Rosie likes blues and purples, so we made a site using those
colours. There are some smaller designs around the place, draw
out by Rosie and digitalised by me. |
Nahoo |
site is unlike most of the others here, it relies more heavily
on image changes for navigation. Roman came over, and we
mapped the site out from start to finish. it was initially
based on a single crater taken from a picture, but I later
changed the design to make it bolder. I hope this site
achieves its aim: to get Roman noticed for his acting skills. |
Nahoo |
the serious issue of abortion, Helen is gathering information
to use in her debates in A-level French and Spanish.
Initially, this site was made using FrontPage
Express on college computers, but later I put together a
proper site at home. I feel that some of the imagery
used is biased, but Helen prefers it that way. If you have
strong views either way on this subject, please add your
comments to her site. |
Nahoo |
I constructed this site using FrontPage
Express, at a friend's house. Nina is aged 12, currently studying at secondary school.
This site is her "Nahoo", it shows all her interests and shows you games and
talks about her holidays. I built this site with Nina telling me what to do, she now has
complete control over what goes in. I have to remind her to keep it updated, as
several pages are untouched. |
Nahoo |
Jeff is a good friend who lives in the small
fishing village of Roscoff in Brittany, France. Last summer I stayed at his house for a
few days, where we made a site, in between cycling around the region. I have to say his
design is a little to be desired and many of the images and pages have bad links. This
screenshot shows what my version of home page looked like for a couple months. The whole
site has now been changed by Jeff, according to his taste. As the site belongs to Jeff so,
it is up to him to put in what he likes! |
Nahoo |
A joint new gaming site project with Fuel. I
designed the main page you see here. It is still in its early stages, but should be really
worth a visit when it gets underway. Fuel liked the colours I used in WarZone, so we kept the design similar. |
Nahoo |
Another project, this time with Stefan Hendrik,
a game designer. This site will display our progress as the game "Arrakis"
develops. Its based on the original real time strategy game: Dune II. |
Nahoo |
New site design for a new release of the Hot
Magma domain. High content games site needed a little improvement on the visual side of
things. After the server move, the layout had gone to pot, so I made a new design. This
one is based on Roupen's favourite colour: blue and the name "hot magma", which
is quite a hot name, therefore it needed some warm colours to contrast with the blue.
Please don't complain about the similarity between the menu and the Star Trek logo design. |
Nahoo |
little bit of free advertising around the college and a huge
relief from the awful design that had previously glared you in
the face. I used their previous frame layout and based it on
the green logo of the college. I tried to make the design
lighter than its predecessor. In addition, some of the buttons
now wink at you. Unfortunately, this is all you can see of
this site, as it is not actually on the internet. |
Nahoo |
of the direct follow-ups from the main intranet site. This
site is, yet again, based on the greenish college logo. It is
a very basic design, this makes it very easy to update and
nothing should go wrong... at least I hope. |
Nahoo |
A quick touch-up to Fuel's Cybergarage site
design. This was the lead-up to the Game Reality project. Please have a visit and submit
your ideas for Fuel to add to his site. |
Nahoo |
This is a personal project, advertising homes
to rent during the eclipse near where I live. The total eclipse took place in 11th August
1999. As the eclipse has already taken place, this site is now closed. |